A Blessing Ceremony is a wonderful way to acknowledge a special event in your life.  Align the energy of your new home or family to a new loving pattern of Light and abundance with the beautiful soulful tones of Sound Reiki®.

Home Blessing

Blessings increase the loving vibration of a home and property attracting success when selling a home, purchasing a home, or just enhancing the space to be at its optimum energy for good health and wellbeing.

Homes can carry the vibration of all of the events and experiences that happened in a home and property. A Home Blessing is a powerful and loving way to clear any low vibration energy of past people and events and sets a positive and high vibrational resonance vital to selling a home or living in the home.  The blessings magnetically attract positive energy and the experiences that go along with them.

Just look at what these successful Arizona Real Estate Agents experienced:

“I am so thrilled for the blessing that was done on my client’s beautiful home.  It was on the real estate market for six months and I couldn’t understand why it wasn’t attracting offers.  One day a landscaper working on the house said it had a bad vibe so I called Catherine who blessed the house remotely and in three days we wrote a contract!  My clients and I are so thrilled, thank you so much for your blessing and loving energy.”   P.M., Luxury Real Estate Agent

“I would like to share some great news, the lovely home I have trying to sell for the past six months just sold, we just wrote the contract!  It was only three weeks since you did the blessing/clearing and I am so thrilled!  Thank you so much!”    H.P., Real Estate Agent


New Child Blessing

A New Child Blessing is a wonderful and loving way to welcome a new soul into your family and the world. The blessing is a prayer of intention along with loving tones that anchor a beautiful vibrational resonance that magnetically attracts positive and loving experiences for you and your child. The Blessing is intended to raise the love and light vibration of the child so that he or she is blessed with good fortune, health, and wellbeing.

“Thank you for the blessings during and after my first pregnancy.  I was so nervous about the health and wellbeing of myself and my child. The blessings you did throughout my pregnancy increased my vitality and confidence. The birth of my child was effortless and such a happy and powerful experience.  Blessing my son after he was born was also an amazing experience, I could feel so much love and light emanating from him.  Thank you, I’ll be calling on you for my next one!!”    RK, Motivational Speaker and Lecturer


Commitment Blessing

This blessing is a loving alignment to the connection of your Twin Flame of the Heart or Soulmate. The blessing strengthens the spiritual bond between two hearts and minds.  This unifying blessing creates a loving agreement between two people who are coming together because they believe their happiness is greater collectively than that as individuals.

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