Personal Power Coaching

with Catherine Varga


I am so thankful for the incredible journey that my book, The SoulChild Within, has taken me on. Its impact has been transformative, shaping the way I work with my coaching clients in profoundly positive ways. For a limited time, I am excited to offer exclusive Personal Power Coaching packages.

I deliberately keep my coaching circle small, ensuring that I can dedicate ample time and attention to your personal growth and aspirations. Within these sessions, I blend a unique approach combining insights, transformational techniques, and healing methods rooted in the vibrational energy of Sound Reiki® and the powerful SoulChild® Alignment method.

Personal Power Coaching is tailored for individuals who are prepared to embark on a journey of self-discovery, where we explore, confront, and transform the subconscious limitations that might be impeding your success. If you are seeking dedicated support and expert guidance, I invite you to join me in this transformative experience. Together, we will unearth your true potential and pave the way for your success.


Get ready to:


  • Gain Crystal-Clear Insight: Discover precisely where you stand, define your aspirations, and learn how to breathe life into your vision.
  • Experience Life-Altering Breakthroughs: Conquer significant life transitions, shattering the barriers that have held you back.
  • Embrace Self-Love: Dissolve the barriers to self-love, paving the way for the fulfilling relationships you desire.
  • Confront Excuses Head-On: Delve beneath surface-level excuses that hinder your life ambitions. Are your financial challenges rooted in self-worth issues affecting your overall value?
  • Break Generational Patterns: Release and clear energy blocks within your bloodline, dismantling negative generational cycles. By doing so, you liberate yourself and your children from outdated programming.
  • Find Peace with Your Past: Reconcile with past experiences and relationships, freeing yourself to craft a future filled with boundless joy.

Your objectives are my objectives. Together, we will transform your dreams into tangible reality, converting past constraints into gateways to limitless new beginnings. The tailored Personal Power Coaching Packages, comprising six sessions, offer a unique opportunity. These sessions, conducted monthly or bi-weekly for 60 minutes via Phone or Zoom, will be our dedicated time to catalyze your transformation.

I am eager to become a vital member of your “dream team,” assisting you in taking that crucial step toward your new life. Remember, this exclusive offer is available for a limited time only! Don’t miss the chance to embark on this transformative journey together.


Are you ready to start attracting more of what you want to happen next in your life?

Contact Catherine


Join Catherine for the 22 Day SoulChild Healing Meditation Experience – Healing Your Inner Child  Learn More

The SoulChild Within  Purchase Here




Catherine Varga is a gifted intuitive, Soul Healer, a vibrational sound healing expert and the inspiring author of The SoulChild Within. Wherever she goes, she sets the tone to the vibration of joy. Catherine is creator of Sound Reiki® Energy Healing, creator of the SoulChild® Alignment Method and a Founder of the Sound Reiki Institute. She is committed to your empowerment and positive life changes.


What people are saying:


“Working with Catherine was an incredible gift. Her wisdom and ability to work with energy deeper than the conscious mind were truly remarkable to receive and so helpful in clearing the path for me to step closer into and embodying the person that fulfills my dreams. After 6 weeks, I am still seeing how much our work together has shifted things and noticing much more awareness in areas of my life I was otherwise unaware of. Catherine is positive, loving, and full of energy. She is devoted and you can feel that she has your heart’s best intentions in the work she does.” ~ Michelle Fairney

“I am so thrilled for the blessing that was done on my client’s beautiful home.  It was on the real estate market for six months and I couldn’t understand why it wasn’t attracting offers.  One day a landscaper working on the house said it had a bad vibe so I called Catherine who blessed the house remotely and in three days we wrote a contract!  My clients and I are so thrilled, thank you so much for your blessing and loving energy.”   P.M., Luxury Real Estate Agent

“The lovely home I have been trying to sell for the past six months just sold, we just wrote the contract!  It was only three weeks since you did the blessing/clearing and I am so thrilled!  Thank you so much!”    H.P., Real Estate Agent

“Thank you for the blessings during and after my first pregnancy.  I was so nervous about the health and well-being of myself and my child. The blessings you did throughout my pregnancy increased my vitality and confidence. The birth of my child was effortless and such a happy and powerful experience.  Blessing my son after he was born was also an amazing experience, I could feel so much love and light emanating from him.  Thank you, I’ll be calling on you for my next one!!”    R.K., Motivational Speaker and Lecturer

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